IT Tips&Triks by techFREAKs
– IT Concept Stories by real inspiratrions
sorry for the eng. mistakes but we are from
soviets block… and so on
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tags: @soviet,@aerospace,@corpo,@and old class of Polish engineers in USA.
A few years ago one man told me a funny story. As far as I remember, the man was an IT dude – very experienced in IT business who left Poland in 1988 exactly on the same day that he received MSC in Rockets’ Engines and Aerospace in the Soviet manner i.e. old school of Lajka and Mr. Gagarin… You will find an official list of the men like him by clicking on the link below:
In the USA he was a warmly welcomed person and during the next 25 years he continued a valuable „mission” in various agendas located near a famous monument called by Polish immigrants olowek or English pencil. You can imagine what happened afterwards. Anyway, let us get to the point. He met a man working in a huge American corpo who has been passing through some various departments for a few years receiving a good monthly salary because on the first day of his work he did not check in to his boss. He also never got an appropriate task to do. While working at a department, he was seen as a man from another one, and how did it work. After a few years, after receiving a yearly salary rise he became the most experienced man in the company – an eminence grise. He simply visited all of the departments and he got to know everything and met everybody. Additionally he was a very communicative person… Anyway he never gained a promotion because he never accomplished any task… This is Lean Butterfly taken straight from life and practise… Be the smartest, be everywhere, talk to people – move around like a butterfly. You may find more theory on this subject by clicking on the wikipedia link displayed below:
…why IBM top manager from Poland have no time going down the roads and driving at speed exceeds 70 Mph meanwhile the other drivers in American drive at a speed of 40-50 Mph; why he grudged 10 „Hamiltons” (ten-dollars bills) for a poor student from Poland, meanwhile the other gave two expensive cars (Voyager and Corona) for the other Polish IT dudes allowing to them using the cars throughout the summer. Besides he was an ordinary IT employee working for a little-known company on the Potomac. WHY did all of these happen? to be continue.
When I jumped over the fence surrounding the Arlington National Cemetery enclosure, which is regarded to be the national treasure of the United States of America and its „supremacy” in the world, in order to do a sightseeing tour across the cemetery, nobody told me:
„Kid, you are not welcome here” and asked me why I actually had not used the official main entrance to get to this place.,-77.068151,3a,75y,316.05h,84.85t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s-GWvAfvkd4kViRDjFPq1rQ!2e0
I jumped over the fence of the cemetery enclosure while going inside of it and getting back from over there in the same manner.
Anyway, let us get to the point:
Arlington National Cemetery is a huge place of unity and solidarity of the people from all over the world. It is only about 50 cm of width which divides each of dead men being of the Jewish, Polish, Italians, Germans, Russian origins, and literarily all the heroes killed in the whole course of the 2nd World War. Each of the graves looks alike which means that the white marble cross was designed for everybody regardless of his own religion. Everything is uniformed in shape, just like the cubes in today’s capitalist business corporations … But why is that those heroes seem to be the slaves at the present time … Or optionally they seem to be the warriors of the past, like Sergeant Bobroff, Colonel O’Brien or Admiral Beckenbauer. All of them seem also to be the slaves of their miserable existence…
One can distinguish between two kinds of men and simultaneously between two ways of their lives. Everybody has his own life story. The Americans of the Polish origins show their friendship towards the heroes of the United States being buried in Arlington National Cemetery and often visit this place. Going here from Washington, District Columbia along the 66th interstate highway takes them only 10 minutes by car.
Being IBM’s slave or the CIA’s slave. It is up to you which kind of slavery you choose.
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